Friday, May 21, 2010

We visited Grandma Vicki last week in Corning, IA.  We found an awesome park, so we had to stop and play.  I snapped a real cute pic of Jayden and Wyatt on a huge tire swing.  They do love each other!  Jayden has her arms around Wyatt!  I thought it was precious! 

I was tired of the little baby bath tub, even though it had a sitting ring in it, so I got a new one for her.  Now I get to fill the entire tub up and watch her kick and splash around.  Amya loves to play in the tub.  Thank goodness for the pool were putting in, in the back yard!  We dug the hole last week!  YEAH!!!!!  Summer will be fun this year!

Shhhh.....  Hush Little baby don't say a word......    I woke up in the middle of the night and checked on Amya, this is what I saw!  She is at the opposite end of the bed and pushed into the corner, with her little bum in the air!  How cute is this!!!!  She now moves all over her bed, and loves to have her bum in the air!  

Drive'n around in my automobile.  Like my new ride?  It's a jeep!  Amya is so spoiled, even worse then her brothers and sister!  She now has a little jeep to walk around in.  It's way cute through.  

"Next to bat is Wyatt Haley".... and the crowd goes wild!   He smacks the ball, it flies to the outfield.  Wow, what a hit!  Wyatt had his first ball game this last week.  They all did a great job!  

She swings the bat,  "CRACK"!  She's on her way to first, she keeps going.  She's rounding second, and still going.  Will she make it to 3rd?  YEP!  Great hit Jayden!   Jayden had her first game and did GREAT!  It's so much fun watching the kids play ball this year!  Even Amya likes watching the games! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy 6 months Amya!  I can not believe where the time has gone.  Amya turned 6 months last week.  She had her Dr. apt. this morning.  Everything went good!  Amya did great thru her shots.  She only cried for about 30 seconds.  Not to bad.  She is a little grumpy this evening though.  Thank you tylenol!  Amya is a 27 in. tall (80%)  and is 14.2 p. (10%).  She should weigh a little more, the Dr. said, so were going to try and make her eat more!  Amya is trying really hard to crawl.  She gets up on her hands and knees, but ends up falling forward.  It's a start to a mobil baby!  Even though she can't quit crawl yet, she can roll like crazy and scoot, so she doesn't stay in one spot for to long!

Here are a couple of pics I took this last week.  I thought they turned out real neat!  I just love my new camera!

Happy Mothers Day to me!  We spent good part of the day at the zoo on the 9th!   Amya loved the zoo this trip!  Check out the penguin, he's so cute!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

We did a little photo shoot of Lydia (my niece) this last week.  We took over 200 pics.  Here are 2 of my  favorites!

zoom zoom zoom....  CHeck out Amay's new ride!  We got Amya a new swing for outside.  It is so cute.  It's a little volkswagon beetle car!  She loves to swing anywhere!  Hey, Check out my crazy hair!

Yummy!  I sure like ice cream!  Amya loved her first ice cream experience!  In fact, she didn't like it when daddy pulled the ice cream cone away!  What a sweetie!

Great hit Coy!  Coy had a great game last weekend.  He pitched 2 innings and had a pretty good hit.  Here is Coy hitting the ball.  Check out the pic, you can see the ball perfectly!

The kids helped grandma and grandpa cut down trees.  Here Jayden and Wyatt are helping by taking the cut up trees to the burn pile!  What great helpers!