Monday, September 19, 2011

Sawyer sporting his new hat! Very cute Sawyer!
Amya enjoying her sucker while watching the Gretna Days Parade! Good times!

Water fun in Branson, MO! Table Rock Lake! We went down to meet up with some good friends! We really had a great time! Went out on their boat and did some tubing and swimming!

Cliff jumping in Branson, MO! What a fun trip! I hotel room with 7 people. Only 2 beds, 2 pack in plays, 1 swing, and a lot of luggage! Yikes! Not to mention the car seat and stroller, all crammed into one very small space! But worth every min.

I thought I would try a new pose! It turned out kind of cute!
Sawyer is 3 months!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I can't believe its almost been a month since Christmas and I'm just now getting around to posting our family fun! We had a wonderful Christmas! Amya wasn't to sure about santa, even when it was her grandpa! She only cried for the first 5 min.

Coy being his normal crazy self!
Cute little Wyatt, I think he knows it grandpa.

Cute hat Jayden! CHeck out her cheesy smile!

We had a quiet Christmas this year, didn't do a whole lot, but reflect back through the last years events!